Theories about the Bermuda Triangle

Shelby Kramer

(Courtesy of

The Bermuda Triangle is a chunk of ocean off the Florida coast that reports having the most unexplained airplane and ship disappearances. Commonly called the “Devil’s Triangle” or the “Isle of Devils”, the Bermuda Triangle seems to be a spooky place where people and equipment vanish without a trace.

We’ve all heard of it and we all don’t know what it’s about, but there are some people out there with some theories behind the Bermuda Triangle. Keep in mind that some of these include supernatural and/or paranormal references, so read at your own risk.

There are many theories out there, but a popular one is that of a time warp. Though it’s just an assumption, some believe that the disappearances in the Triangle are because of a time travel funnel that transports the thing that entered the area either back in time or into the future.

Another (pretty obvious) theory is that of alien activity. One of the spins on the alien theory is that the beings simply abduct the people/ships/planes and transport them wherever. Another spin-off includes a military base trying to reverse-engineer alien technology with aliens, which causes ships and planes to disappear.

Some believe the Bermuda Triangle is now where the city of Atlantis used to be and that leftovers of the energy crystals mess with the ships and planes. There is some weak evidence to help this along like a 1970-something scuba diver claiming to find a mirrored pyramid structure in the area, or the seemingly sculpted rock towers known as Bimini Road (Atlantis-minded people think the formation was once a dock, geologists think it was nature).

These are just a couple of the more “out there”-type of theories, but there are others that blame natural occurrences or just human error on the unfortunate happenings. Regardless, it’s pretty cool and freaky to think there could be some greater force working in the waters.