GPSS semester summary

Nancy Keller, Director of Campus Dining Services, spoke at the GPSS meeting on Nov. 10. Keller discussed possible new dining options that may be coming in the future. 


Iowa State’s Graduate and Professional Student Senate had its last meeting of the semester Nov. 10 and will not meet again until 7 p.m. on Jan. 26 in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.

This semester’s to-do list included voting on amendments to the Professional Advancement Grant bill, all of which passed, discussing solutions to crowded CyRide buses and lack of graduate housing and presenting a new roommate-search system called rentsmart, available on the City of Ames website.

These issues are set for further discussion during next semester’s meetings, along with new topics to be presented by various senators and guest speakers.

GPSS highly encourages graduate ad professional students to reach out to their senator if they have any questions, concerns or suggestions for improvement.  To find which senator represents your field of study, click here.