Dean of Design biography

Sam Greene/Iowa State Daily

Luis Rico-Gutierrez was named the dean of the College of Design in 2009. He said that the people of Iowa State played a big part in convincing him that this job was going to be the right fit for him. 

Matthew Rezab

Luis Rico-Gutierrez was hired to lead the College of Design at Iowa State in 2009. 

Education: Bachelor’s in architecture, 1986, Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Queretaro, Mexico

Graduate degree, 1988, Fundacion Rafael Leoz, Madrid, Spain

Master’s in building performance, 1997, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Work Experience:

Dean, College of Design, Iowa State University, 2009 to present.

At Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh:

Associate dean, College of Fine Arts, 2001-2009.

David Lewis Director, Remaking

Cities Institute, 2006-2009.

Associate head,

School of Architecture, 2001-2004.

Architecture faculty member, 1996-2009.

Previously taught architecture at ITESM, Queretaro, Mexico, and

Fundacion Rafael Leoz, Madrid, Spain.

Expertise: Community planning and urban design.

Family: Wife, Ana; sons David, 15, and Alejandro (Alex), 13.

Hobbies: Traveling, downhill skiing, cooking Mexican food

(especially enchiladas with lots of cheese).

Most likely to be seen in Ames: At sporting events with his kids.

Click here to read more about Dean Rico-Gutierrez.