Woman alive after 45 minutes with no heartbeat

Peter O'Brien

At Boca Raton Regional Hospital in Florida, Ruby Graupera-Cassimiro spent 45 minutes with no pulse.

Graupera-Cassimiro had just got a cesarean section procedure in order to deliver her new daughter when she then went unconscious.

The Washington Post reported that Graupera-Cassimiro suffered from an amniotic fluid embolism, a condition in which the fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb enters the mother’s blood stream and can cause blood clots.

After two hours of the doctors trying to help get Graupera-Cassimiro back into a conscious state, her heart stopped beating. After trying to electric shock her and give her chest compressions, nothing seemed to work.

The Sun Sentinel reported that the doctors were on the verge of pronouncing her dead when out of nowhere there was a series of blips in her heart monitor

While Graupera-Cassimiro and the doctors have no explanation of what caused her heart to start beating again, Graupera-Cassimiro was taken off of life support after a day and was able to return home with her daughter.

Doctors and others involved with this event are referring to it as “a miracle.”