Love’s, sex trafficking and boycotting semi drivers. What?

Shelby Kramer

The Story City city council recently rejected the proposal of a Love’s Travel Station being constructed near city limits, east of interstate 35.

The fueling station was rejected. So what, right? Well this is so interesting for its two different sides: the truck drivers and the community members of Story City.

Who: Truck drivers

What: Pissed about not having another fuel/rest station

Why: Truck drivers want a place to do their business, especially after delivering products to Story City

What are they doing: Some truck drivers have taken to social media with their views and/or are working towards boycotting product delivery to Story City

Who: People of Story City

What: Pissed about the proposal of a large truck stop near the city

Why: The public feels there will be…

– More noise

– More trash

– Air pollution

– Increased traffic

– Resources used

– Potential crime, including sex trafficking (omg)

What are they doing: some citizens of Story City created a petition on the social activist website, Care2, with the prospect of bringing 1,000 (they ended with 189) signatures to the City Council to fight the construction of Love’s

So maybe this Love’s thing isn’t a totally big deal in the big picture of Story County (though the construction of it could of had some positive and negative effects), but it’s an interesting thing nonetheless.