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Iowa State Daily


Iowa State Daily

Iowa State Daily

Participants in the Take Down Cancer flash
mob, which took place on Saturday just south of Jack Trice Stadium,
dance to "Party Rock Anthem" by LMFAO to help show their support
for fighting cancer. The event was held to help raise money for the
National Foundation for Cancer Research.

CyHawk Flash Mob

September 11, 2011
The Malaysian flag flies at the Association of Malaysian
Students at ISU gathering Monday, Sept. 5. This multicultural group
aims to foster a closer and better relationship between Malaysian
students and other members of the community.

Malaysian Celebration

September 5, 2011
LGBTA Alliance & Friends had an ice cream social and open
house Wednesday night. Students were able to play games and visit
info booths while enjoying free ice cream.

LGBT kickoff event

August 31, 2011
David Schlueter, 29, of Madison, Wis., sits next to a copy of the proposed budget bill early Monday morning inside the Capitol.

Madison, Wis. Protests

February 21, 2011
Construction continues on the new aquatic center, located next to State Gym.

Campus Renovations

December 11, 2010
Students across Central Campus took part in the freezing event on Monday, Nov. 16 at noon.

Frozen Central Campus

November 15, 2010
Hannah Leavell, junior in apparel, merchandising, design and production, plays with Brett, a boxer mix, at the Rent-A-Puppy event Friday, Oct. 15, south of the Campanile.

Rent A Puppy

October 15, 2010
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