Shealy wins Big 12 Event Specialist of the Week

Photo: Rebekka Brown/Iowa State

Coach Jay Ronayne celebrates with Michelle Shealy after her 9.650 performance on the bars Friday, Jan. 27, at Hilton.The Cyclones defeated the Hawkeys 194.900-194.550 and will take on Denver next weekend at Colorado.

Maddy Arnold

Junior Michelle Shealy was named Big 12 Event Specialist of the Week for her balance beam performance in the previous two meets. This is the first time she has received the award.

Shealy came in first on beam at both Iowa on Friday and a four-team meet at UCLA on Sunday. She scored 9.875, tying a career high, for her routine at both meets.

Shealy also scored a career-high 9.900 for her performance on the uneven bars on Sunday. She received the highest event score for any Cyclone this season.