Multicultural Greek Council profiles: Delta Phi Lambda, Noble Nu

Photo courtesy of Delta Phi Lambda

The Noble Nu chapter of Delta Phi Lambda at Iowa State aims to promote awareness of Asian identities.

Payne Blazevich

Editor’s note: A previous headline incorrectly stated this sorority was apart of the National Pan-Hellenic Council opposed to the Multicultural Greek Council. This has since been correct. The Daily regrets this error.

The Noble Nu chapter of Delta Phi Lambda at Iowa State provides a voice of advocacy for women of various Asian identities. Although the sorority is mostly made up of Asian women, they also encourage women of different ethnicities and backgrounds to join.

The sorority was originally founded in 1998 at the University of Georgia, according to the chapter’s website. Delta Phi Lambda was founded to promote Asian awareness on campus and aimed to better promote and exhibit Asian identities.

In 2015, the Noble Nu chapter was created to help spread awareness of Asian identities at Iowa State, said Cherry Tran, a senior majoring in journalism and mass communication and philosophy.

She is also the external vice president of Delta Phi Lambda. Tran said women do not have to be of Asian ethnicity to join.

“I think anybody who wants to help promote Asian awareness and like, help kind of strip away stereotypes that are usually associated with Asians [can join],” Tran said. “We accept anybody who has those same values as us.”

According to Tran, Delta Phi Lambda promotes seven key values within the sorority. The values are loyalty, honesty, respect, dedication, integrity, discipline and academic excellence.

“We joke around a lot about it, but we actually do focus on our virtues,” Tran said.

Within the Iowa State community, Delta Phi Lambda participates in philanthropy events. They work with American Bone Health to combat osteoporosis, a bone disease that predominantly affects Asian women, Tran said. Delta Phi Lambda raises money on campus to support American Bone Health and also participates in a variety of community service events.

Delta Phi Lambda will begin recruiting at the beginning of next semester, according to Tran. Although the sorority actively recruits at the start of each semester, there are open lines of communication online for potential new members.

“We have an interest form that is open all the time,” Tran said. “The interest form is open, and usually that’s how [new members] contact us, and then also our Instagram is open.”

Along with the interest form, new members are encouraged to attend recruitment events at the beginning of the semester.

Delta Phi Lambda is looking for new members that represent the values of the sorority. While some members may not identify as Asian, they are still welcomed and respected by the rest of the chapter, according to Tran.

“Sisterhood is beyond nationality or ethnicity,” Tran said.