Stoffa: Police assault innocent protesters at Berkeley
Occupy Wall Street orginated in New York, but the movement has since spread across the country.
November 11, 2011
Shocking. That is all I can use to describe what happened Thursday at Berkeley campus. Police beating protesters with no explanation save their own fear and poor, poor training.
And in case you believe the police were only “doing their jobs,” the video here shows the police assaulting protesters without rhyme or reason, then continuing to beat them as they try to move away.
I have had mixed feelings about much of the Occupy movements, and a police presence is a good thing for maintaining safety for those that are preying upon the protesters; be it through theft, rape or other violence.
But lately, more and more law enforcement officers seems to be the dangerous instigators. Some police are using their positions of power to take out frustrations on innocent people. The very people that are employed to protect us are showing their dark sides and using their badges as an excuse to commit crime.
Corrupt cops are nothing new, there have been and will be more events like this as the Occupy movements continue; unless something can be done.
Look on the web, the place where information can spread freely and quickly — or so we might believe — and as of 24 hours after video evidence of cops attacking protesters at Berkeley appeared, there is no great call for those police to be arrested; there is no headline coverage of police violence. I pray this changes quickly.
Some news sources are asking if the police over-reacted. Those news sources are giving police the benefit of the doubt as to whether the repeated hitting of protesters could have been a valid choice.
This is not the time to play it safe. The big news sources need to come out and make a spectacle of this. The movers and shakers of the news industry need to use their power to make the American public forget about reality TV for a moment and see what is going on.
Look at the video again. Look at it and ask yourself if you think the police had reason to not only initially assault the crowd, but to keep beating those that are trying to move back, or even lying on the ground.
Look again closely and see the flagrant abuse of power some of those that swore to uphold the law are participating in.
I am truly frightened by what this could mean if those police are not brought to justice in swift fashion.
But you and I both know that it is unlikely anything will happen to those cops, we know that some bad apples in the law enforcement community will continue on with their disgusting desires to lash out at others.
Fear and frustration is no excuse for someone trained to protect the innocent to act like an animal.
Those cops, and others seeing themselves as above the law, will hide from justice because of their positions and those that represent them; the political spin offered by some head of a department will explain away why police are allowed to participate in battery without repercussion.
And that “validation” might not even come to be, as so much of the aggression of police toward the Occupy movements is not reported in full.
All I can hope is that you see the video, see the perversion by those police, and tell your local government, your congressional representatives, your governor or even the president, that something must be done before the violence by law enforcement involving the Occupy movements sparks something more than a few bruises or broken bones.
Something must be done before the bestiality by some is repeated at every Occupy movement, before the protester have taken too many abuses and respond; before upheaval envelops the nation.