GSB College of Liberal Arts & Sciences senator candidates
March 3, 2011
Name: Sawyer Baker
Major: sophomore in political science
What’s important:
- Promoting GSB funding for campus clubs and organizations — “It’s important to fund them and let students have fun,” Baker said.
- Serving as the voice of ISU students for Campustown renovations
- Determining who comes up with classroom fees charged for some classes and whether that is a reasonable amount for the individual class
What can we do about the budget cuts:
- Let legislators know what students thinks about the budget cuts
Name: Michael Craighton
Major: freshman in political science
What’s important:
- Serving as a voice for ISU students
- Increasing student awareness of GSB
- Keeping renovation plans for Campustown student-focused
What can we do about the budget cuts:
- Work with ISU Ambassadors to lobby the legislature to stop cutting our budget — “I definitely don’t want to see tuition increased and programs cut,” Craighton said.
Name: Samuel Epley
Major: sophomore in economics
What’s important:
- Increasing student awareness of GSB and making sure they know which senators represent them
- Pushing for under-21 entertainment options in Campustown
- Promoting financial literacy on campus to combat student debt — “Education should not be a matter of ‘Am I going to be able to afford it?'” Epley said.
What can we do about the budget cuts:
- Make sure legislators and the citizens of Iowa know that higher education is important — “College students are our future,” Epley said.
Name: Spencer Hughes
Major: open-option freshman
What’s important:
- Improving the approachability of GSB by letting students know they can come to GSB with any questions or concerns they may have
- Maintaining student focus in Campustown — “Any proposal that is not student-focused firstly, I will not support,” Hughes said.
What can we do about the budget cuts:
- Encourage students to contact legislators and tell them why budgets should not be cut — “If all 27,000 plus students make their voices heard, then change can happen,” Hughes said.
Name: Dan Rediske
Major: sophomore in pre-computer science
What’s important:
- Serving as a representative voice for LAS students — “One of the biggest things that any senator needs to do is to listen and be able to communicate with their constituency,” Rediske said.
- Maintain student focus in Campustown, keep local businesses there
- Improve relationship between GSB and student body by making sure students know what GSB does and who represents them
What can we do about the budget cuts:
- Encourage students to become involved in politics and speak up about issues that impact them, such as the budget cuts — “When youth aren’t at the polls, then their issues get shoved to the back of the legislators’ minds and GSB needs to work on that,” Rediske said.