Faculty senate president-elect introduced

Jacob Stewart

Since 2003, Ann Marie VanDerZanden has worked in Iowa State’s horticulture department as an associate professor. Starting in May, her duties will also include those of the president-elect of faculty senate.

VanDerZanden has served with the senate for six years. For the last two years of that term, she took on the responsibilities of chairwoman of the Faculty Development and Administrative Relations Council. In addition to these services she has also served on the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee, which recommends and institutes university-wide policies for curricular standards.

“As a result of being president-elect, my involvement on the Executive Board increases,” VanDerZanden said. “All the [College] Caucuses have to be filled with representatives from their colleges, and as business picks up in the fall everything has to be in its place.”

While serving on the senate, VanDerZanden saw various opportunities to lead. Although her passion lies in teaching, she is confident in her ability to provide good counsel for the senate.

Among other things, VanDerZanden will have to work together with the senate to handle budget changes, post-tenure review policies and unacceptable performance of duty policies. She will also have the opportunity to work with the Government of the Student Body when issues arise that affect students personally.

“I think making sure the student experience continues to be a positive one is extremely important. The students are the heart of the university,” VanDerZanden said.

Although budget issues have been present in the last few years for Iowa State, VanDerZanden is committed to maintaining the quality of every student’s education. Even if changes have to be made at Iowa, she said that most changes have catalysts other than money.