Christmas gifts gone wrong

Photo Illustrations: Kelsey Kremer/Iowa State Daily

Some of the worst gifts that you could give your partner include footsie pajamas, a wheelbarrow and socks. Stay away from these, and the holidays will be better.

Sarah Gonzalez

It may be “the thought that counts,” but, “What were you thinking?” is never a phrase a gift giver wants to hear. While most ISU students agree that receiving any kind of present should be appreciated, on certain occasions the most they can say is, “You shouldn’t have; really.”

ISU students shared some of their worst, well-intentioned, non-gag gifts. From the age-inappropriate to the practically useless, these questionable gifts left students wondering what thoughts the giver could have been thinking.

Grannies Gone Wild:

Hanna Johansen, sophomore in advertising, certainly didn’t know what to think when she unwrapped her grandmother’s Christmas present to reveal a board game for the “adults only” genre.

“My face turned bright red,” she said. “My grandma didn’t get it at first, but then she said that she saw the box was pink so she thought it was a princess game.”

Condiment Overload:

Karilyn Gower, senior in political science, admits she has an unusual need for ketchup with her dipping food, but she never expected a ketchup combo pack to be wrapped under the Christmas tree, as it was two years ago.

“I also got moon-and-star footie pajamas from my grandma one year,” she said. “Which would be cool, but I was 17 years old.”

Here’s a “Gift,” Hint, Hint.

However, it’s those gifts that bring a subtle insult with the package that might cause a disgruntled present opener. The diet hint that comes with opening a brand new gym membership isn’t a thought that one wants to count. A work-out video isn’t much better, although ISU student David Faber, senior in advertising, admits he sometimes pops in his “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” gift. A person can’t blame him, it is a 1980’s classic and Richard Simmons might brighten any mood dampened by bad gifts.

Many of the gifts ISU students shared were uniquely awful. The most common worst gifts given to students were ugly sweaters, socks, underwear or absolutely nothing.

Despite some gifts gone awry, many ISU students agree the best gift is spending time with family and friends. No matter what grandma wrapped for you, or what that distant cousin was trying to say with that teeth-whitening pack, remember what counts and enjoy the gift of the holidays.