Wheatsfield prepares for expansion in new $1.9 million relocation

David Merrill

Wheatsfield Cooperative, an Ames grocery store specializing in local vendors and organic products, will be moving to a bigger location later this year.

“We’re maxed out right now”, said Linda Johnson, the store’s general manager. -“Our business is increasing and our space isn’t big enough to meet the demands.”

Wheatsfield Cooperative, 413 Douglas Ave., plans to move to 413 Northwestern Ave., former location of Sigler Printing and Publishing, in October of this year.

One of the biggest improvements the new location will bring is a parking lot with 48 spaces.

“Right now, we have inadequate parking and no loading dock, so the freight deliveries coming in have to come to the front door, which is really inconvenient – especially for our customers,” Johnson said.

This $1.9 million expansion product is being funded through contributions from the cooperative’s members and bank contributions.

Lee Burras, president of Wheatsfield’s board of directors, said 25 percent of the funds will come from in-house funds, 10 percent will come from the landlord of the building, 60 percent will come from member loans, and any additional funding needed will come from a commercial bank. Members who give loans to the store will be paid interest.

Johnson believes the new location will help the business’s cash flow greatly.

“Our sales will increase in the first year,” Johnson said.

“We are also looking to add new departments to the store, such as a deli, which is something our members really have been wanting.”

Johnson has also talked about adding a restaurant connecting to the grocery store in the future.

The store will be growing to 6,500 square feet – three times the size of the current store location. Burras believes the increasing popularity of organic foods has made the move necessary.

“The growing awareness of local and natural foods has been increasing and expanding since 2001, and I think we have to expand our location to effectively serve our members,” Burras said.