Huckabee Takes Precinct Sixteen

Tj Rushing

Precinct 16 in the art room Moore Elementary School was standing room only for their Republican Caucus. The final vote of the 97 voters in the room resembled the predictions of the Iowa polls just prior to Caucus.

There were speaking representatives present for Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, and Fred Thompson, who’s representative came all the way from Texas.

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee was represented by Des Moines resident Robert Joy who was passionate in his representation and said if Huckabee wins tonight than the sky is the limit.

“He’s a consistently strong pro-life and a family guy, he also has strong experience as a governor,” Joy said. “If he wins here tonight, momentum will continue to grow and I really think that he can win the presidency.”

Huckabee did in fact win precinct 16, he had 32 of those 97 voters on his side. Coming in a distant second was not Huckabee’s supposed nearest competitor Romney, but instead John McCain, with 21 of the votes. Romney came in third with 20, and Fred Thompson placed fourth with 13. In fifth and sixth, respectively, were Ron Paul, 7, and Rudy Giuliani, 4.