Joe Biden presidential announcement likely in coming weeks


Photo: Huiling Wu/Iowa State Dai

Vice President of the United States Joe Biden visited Iowa State and gave a speech Mar. 1, 2012 in Howe Hall at the College of Engineering. Biden announced on Oct. 21. that he will not be running in the 2016 Presidential race.

Devyn Leeson

A presidential announcement is likely close from former Vice President Joe Biden, who told a Democratic lawmaker he would be “giving it a shot,” according to The Hill.

This news comes in conjunction with Biden teasing his potential run in front of members of the International Association of Fire Fighters in D.C.

“I appreciate the energy you all showed when I got up here,” Biden told the group, many of whom were wielding signs that said “run Joe run.”

“Save it a little longer, I may need it in a few weeks. Be careful what you wish for.”

Biden would be one of 15 other candidates who have announced they are running in the Democratic primary. Despite a crowded field, Biden has been shown as the front-runner in recent polling.

This hasn’t been the first time Biden has expressed interest in running: At a public event at the University of Delaware he said he already has a campaign team ready the moment he announces.

Most evidence points to Biden announcing in early April. According to The Hill, in recent weeks he has been seeking support from donors to aid his presidential bid, something he wants to secure before announcing.

“I don’t want to take people’s time, effort and commitment, without there being a clear shot that I could be the nominee,” Biden said at the University of Delaware. “There are still a couple hurdles to go through to make sure we have all this in place.”

In 2017, Biden expressed some regret about not putting his name in as a contender in 2016 saying, “although it would have been a very difficult primary, I think I could have won.”