You’ve probably never heard of these 10 sites

Dan Mcclanahan

It’s 3 a.m. and you’re just finishing your seventh Mountain Dew for the night. It’s probably the best idea to sleep for your morning classes, but if you did you could miss your chance to put a last-second bid on a one-of-a-kind pair of haunted underwear. With more Web sites popping up every day, it’s hard to stay in the know on which sites can help you maximize your precious time-wasting entertainment. Your friends at Pulse have put our heads together and picked 10 lesser-known but still amazing sites for wasting time.

Occasionally the news will be graced with a crazy eBay auction, like the infamous Virgin Mary grilled cheese sandwich that sold for $28,000. This site compiles the best of the bizarre all in one place for your viewing pleasure. Current auctions include dates with acne-infested teenage boys and haunted underwear.

This site compiles unusual conversations overheard in New York by actual people. Example:

Guy: If Hitler were still alive and he were gay, you would have thought he’d decorated that apartment. It was a soulless aesthetic abomination.

– Madison between 60th & 61st

Overheard by: Daisy Anna Freund

“Animation and Stuff by David Firth.” This site contains the most captivating, hilarious, mildly disturbing and just plain strange animation and claymation we have ever laid eyes on. This site is a must for late-night browsers.

“Boy on a Stick and Slither” is a comical and philosophical daily comic by Steven L. Cloud. Sometimes deep, sometimes witty and always clever, the site has an archive of every issue ever produced. This quirky comic may be best enjoyed after midnight.

Two words: Russian brides. Whether you have no chance of finding love the all-natural way or you just find the idea of foreign women looking for American husbands amusing, this site has a lot of time-wasting content to dig through.

This site is like eBay, only it auctions off merchandise that’s been confiscated from criminals by police departments across the country. You can find dirt-cheap bikes, cameras, cell phones and even real estate. The hard part will be convincing your friends that your new digital camera used to belong to a drug lord.

Instead of following the advice of self-proclaimed “music-elites” when you’re looking for new music, Pandora is a mammoth-sized database of bands that breaks down music into categories like syncopation, melody and key tonality. Type in the name of your favorite band and it will give you names and songs of similar artists. Sweet.

This site’s got the full-text script for almost every major motion picture and television show you can think of. Tired of watching the same old “Friends” episodes? Try printing off the script and acting along with your friends. This is also a useful way to accurately remember all those one-liners from the movie you saw last weekend.

Seanbaby, a freelance journalist with a lot of free time, rants about anything and everything, and will quite possibly have you rolling on the floor. With articles such as “Flesh-eating robots want to eat your flesh” and a whole section dedicated to crappy video games, is irreverent and weird.

Think chatroom meets “The Sims.” Instead of a window of boring text, you talk to virtual people with speech bubbles that appear above their heads in a 3-D environment to explore. With your virtual person you can shop for clothes, play online games or just hang out. Basic membership is free.