Geoffroy expected to announce Veishea decision

Lucas Grundmeier

Updated at 7:59 a.m. CST March 23

ISU officials announced early Wednesday that ISU President Gregory Geoffroy will announce the future of Veishea at a 10:30 a.m. news conference.

The announcement will be made in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union, according to a press release.

Veishea, an annual celebration of the university, was suspended for 2005 after a riot in Campustown on April 18, 2004 — at the end of Veishea weekend — caused more than $100,000 in damage. Geoffroy said the riot embarrassed the university and created the need to examine the future of Veishea.

A 31-member task force was appointed in May to investigate issues related to the riot and to Veishea in general. The 2004 riot was the fourth connected with Veishea since 1988; in 1997, a Des Moines Area Community College student was murdered in Campustown during Veishea, leading to the creation of an alcohol-free celebration ever since.

The task force met over the course of seven months and issued a 101-page report Nov. 30. That report made suggestions for preventing disturbances and for altering Veishea if Geoffroy chooses to retain it in the future.

Check the Daily Web site for further coverage later this morning.