The information in the log comes from ISU Police Department records provided to the Daily. All those accused of violating the law are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Feb. 11

  • David Frisch, 23, 2135 Sunset Dr., was arrested and charged with driving under suspension at Beach Avenue and Greeley Street. He was subsequently released on citation.
  • A staff member reported damage to a hand dryer located in a second floor restroom in Willow Hall.
  • Nate Grinvalds, 1291 Birch Hall, reported damage to a vehicle in the East Parking Deck. The incident occurred sometime since Feb. 8.
  • Nathan Weiss, 126 Maple Hall, reported the theft of a unicycle at Maple Hall.

Feb. 13

  • Officers assisted a resident suffering from an alcohol overdose in Larch Hall.
  • Officers assisted a resident who was suffering from an alcohol overdose in Larch Hall.
  • A student officer discovered a quantity of cash in the parking lot in Lot 15. The money was placed in secure storage.
  • Vehicles owned and/or driven by Sharon Eddie and Andrew Horn were involved in a property damage collision in Lot 100.