Visitor to explain effects of Iraq war

Michelle Kalkhoff

A former ISU professor will discuss how the Iraq war has affected the United States during a Brown Bag Lunch Friday.

Peter Dombrowski, formerly an associate professor of political science at Iowa State, will be on campus to discuss the international implications of the Iraq war on the United States and other nations and organizations such as the United Nations.

Dombrowski, an associate professor in the Strategic Research Department of the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, R.I., lectures throughout the country and internationally.

“I will discuss the long-term implications through three points,” he said. “The first is American war aims, the goals and successes and failures in achieving these goals. The next is unintended consequences, and how the war has affected the way we see the world and the future of the transatlantic alliance. The third point is long-term issues such as globalization, the nature of the nation-state, and questioning the nature of warfare.”

The lecture, part of the political science department’s brown bag presentations, will be from noon to 1 p.m. in 302 Catt Hall.

“The brown bag series is a very good opportunity for faculty to share their research before they bring it to a national conference or to come back after a conference and present before journal publication,” said James McCormick, professor and chairman of political science. “It is a really good research support for faculty members.”

McCormick said a larger crowd is expected for this lecture.

“We originally started the series for more interaction between faculty in the department, so they could know what other faculty are doing and receive their feedback and critiques,” he said.

Dombrowski taught international economic issues at Iowa State from 1992 to 1999.

The United Nations Association of the United States of America and the Stanley Foundation are sponsoring Dombrowski’s visits to Iowa City, Cedar Rapids and Ames.

“The International Implications of the Iraq war is certainly a global issue very pertinent to this upcoming election,” said Katy Hansen, executive director of the Iowa United Nations Association. “That is why we are sponsoring him to promote discussion.”

Dombrowski is one of a series of speakers who will focus on the Iraq war as part of the Stanley Foundations Strategies for U.S. National Security program, which explores a range of foreign policy and defense approaches available to the United States.

“We feel it’s important to promote and build support for principled mulitlateralism in addressing international issues,” said Leslie Winter, program associate for the Stanley Foundation. “By supporting Dr. Peter Dombrowski, we are fulfilling our role in creating a more peaceful and secure world.”