Information in the log comes from ISU Police records provided to the Daily. All those accused of violating the law are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

April 19

  • A woman reported being assaulted by an unknown female on Welch Avenue. Erin McMahon, 20, Boone, was located a short time later. After being identified by the victim, she was arrested and charged with serious assault and unlawful use of a driver’s license.
  • Officers facilitated an emergency notification for the Boone County Sheriff’s Office at the Knapp-Storms commons.
  • Luke McNamara, 1353 Eaton Hall, reported the theft of a bike.

April 20

  • A staff member reported the theft of a money changer at Heady Hall.
  • Lauren Haakinson, 425 Welch Ave., reported the theft of a bike at the Memorial Union.
  • Vehicles owned and/or driven by Jennifer Groff and Ashley Erickson were involved in a property damage collision in Lot 25.
  • A patron reported the theft of a backpack at Parks Library.
  • A patron reported the theft of a bookbag at Parks Library.
  • A patron reported the theft of a calculator at Parks Library.
  • A patron reported the theft of a book at Parks Library; the incident occurred April 18.