Information in the log comes from ISU Police records provided to the Daily. All those accused of violating the law are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

April 18

  • Michael Fritz, 18, Davenport, and Carolyn Taylor, 20, 3231 Frederiksen Court, were cited for underage possession of alcohol at 13th Street and Hyland Avenue.
  • A vehicle driven by Anna Horst, Ames, struck a light pole at Beach Avenue and Lincoln Way.
  • A man reported being assaulted earlier in the day at Chamberlain Street and Hayward Avenue.
  • Officers noted damage to several light poles, signs, power boxes and garbage cans on Central Campus.
  • A staff member reported the theft of a digital camera at Veterinary Medicine.
  • Vehicles owned and/or driven by Douglas Brown and Matthew Bornhorst were involved in a property damage collision on Union Drive.
  • A patron reported the theft of a backpack at Parks Library.
  • A resident reported damage to a window caused by high winds at Larch Hall.
  • An abandoned bicycle found at Hoover Hall was placed into secure storage until the owner can be identified.
  • A patron reported the theft of a bookbag at Parks Library.