Salvage-yard arson spree results in teens’ arrest

Jill Sederstrom

Two brothers were arrested Saturday in connection with numerous fires set in salvage car lots in Story County, said Capt. Gary Foster of the Story County Sheriff’s Office.

Kyle Sloan, 18, and his twin brother, Kevin, were charged with 11 counts of second-degree arson and seven counts of third-degree arson.

“There were numerous charges related to fires in McCallsburg, Story City, Ames and rural areas of Story County,” Foster said.

The arrests came after Story City police stopped a vehicle by an early morning fire on Saturday near Story City, Foster said.

Foster said Nevada police had also stopped the same vehicle on Oct. 20, near a fire at Hickory Grove.

“We identified the occupants of the vehicle, and among those occupants were Kyle and Kevin Sloan,” Foster said.

Police questioned the brothers after the fire on Saturday.

“Investigators from the Ames Police and the Story County Sheriff’s Office together questioned the brothers, who admitted their involvement in this recent string of fires,” Foster said.

As of Saturday, Foster said both brothers were being held in the Story County Jail, each on $150,000 bond.

Foster said additional charges might be filed in connection with fires in Boone and Hamilton Counties.

— The AP contributed to this story.