Secondary Education Club to host Splash!

Brian Stillman

The talents of ISU students, faculty and staff are being tapped in the Secondary Education Club. The club is looking for individuals with unique or expert abilities to share their skills with middle school and high school students from the surrounding area.Splash!, the club’s first day-long event, will be held on the ISU campus Oct. 27.”Splash! gives high school and middle school students the opportunity to experience Iowa State and our students the opportunity to try out their teaching skills,” said Dayle Nickerson, the club’s faculty adviser and student services specialist.The program was started by Stanford University and has been adapted by several other schools across the country, said Emily Woline, club president. “This program will allow Iowa State students to design a class of their choosing and give them an opportunity to get involved in the community,” she said.Topics covered in the program can vary over a large range of subjects said Woline, senior in English.”Stanford had classes varying everywhere from cryptography to belly dancing,” she said.Individuals interested in teaching a class can pick up applications in E105 Lagomarcino, or contact Woline or Lisa Sinnott, senior in English, through e-mail. A brief interview with the potential instructor will be conducted, Woline said, to make sure the class is appropriate for the audience. Teachers may also be spotted as much as $50 for supplies, if needed.Middle school and high school students within a 20 mile radius of Ames have the opportunity to attend classes for $20 a day. “We are hoping to have around 300 students come for the event,” she said. “It should be an enriching educational opportunity.”