Senate to discuss Academic Plan

Amber Billings

Members of the ISU Faculty Senate will meet tonight to discuss issues for the upcoming semester.John Robyt, professor of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology, said guests Owen Newlin, chairman of the Board of Regents, and ISU Provost Rollin Richmond will also speak during the meeting at 7:30 tonight in rooms 260-262 of the Scheman Building.”[Richmond] will talk about the Academic Plan,” Robyt said. “It’s the strategic plan that [former ISU President Martin] Jischke left everyone.”The Academic Plan cites main objectives such as helping to develop a more diverse faculty and staff and infusing global viewpoints into the learning, education and engagement efforts at Iowa State. It also calls to improve services for information technology.Faculty Senate President David Hopper said the plan will not be finalized during the meeting.”What [Richmond’s] looking for is not to approve or disapprove [the plan] but to provide comment,” said Hopper, professor of veterinary diagnostic and production animal medicine.Max Wortman, chairman of the Academic Affairs Council, said he expected Richmond to discuss how the plan will be handled for the next few years. Newlin also is making his annual appearance at the Faculty Senate meeting, said Wortman, distinguished professor of management. “He will probably talk about the forthcoming budget year,” he said.