IRHA to vote on maintenance, storage

Amber Billings

The Inter-Residence Hall Association will vote tonight on whether or not to approve a maintenance bill to fix several items in the residence halls.

The bill contains a list of things, compiled by IRHA hall representatives, that need to be fixed on each floor of every residence hall on campus.

IRHA President Paul Duncan said the bill will help hasten the process of getting things fixed in the residence halls.

“What we’re looking to do is find where the problems exist and how we can fix them,” he said. “The bill will help accomplish those things.”

In the past, items such as drinking fountains and bathroom doors have been left unfixed because there was no one to contact in the maintenance department.

Duncan said one of the suggestions will be to have floor presidents be the main contact for any maintenance needs on their floor.

“There are times when maintenance problems are never addressed,” he said. “There are things that fall through the cracks; we’re trying to eliminate that.”

Richardson Court Association At-Large Chris Knight said an IRHA storage committee will be presenting a bill to the parliament that contains a proposed resolution to the current residence hall storage policy.

If parliament members approve the storage resolution, it will be passed on to the Department of Residence for review.

“I really think [that the DOR] will go for it,” Knight said.

Knight said the committee has developed a point system that will define how many items can be stored in each storage room, which will be decided on by resident advisers over the summer.

Presently, the storage policy allows chairs and compacted boxes from double rooms to be stored, while extra furniture, shelving and mattresses from double-as-single rooms are allowed to be stored.

Knight heads the storage policy committee with Jeff Greiner, Union Drive Association vice president; Laural Everist-Lambert, Oak-Elm; David Boike, UDA at-large; Loren Smith, Birch-Welch-Roberts; Tim Steines, Knapp; Stan Perdios, Willow; Craig Stenberg, Lower Friley; and Dan Kieu, Westgate.

Duncan said another proposed bill will ask for residence hall e-mail lists.

He said having the list will help students receive information from their residence hall leaders.

“I feel that this is the best way to reach students in the residence halls,” he said. “It will decrease apathy and increase participation; it will also help us become a better community.”