If it works with student fees, how about tax reform?

Curt Lund

I think this whole student fees issue is heading in totally the right direction.

I don’t think we should be forced to pay for things we find politically or morally offensive.

I thereby demand that 100 percent of my mandatory student fees go toward supporting the LGBTA Alliance and the Student Environmental Council.

No athletics, no Republican groups, and, goddess forbid, no religious clubs.

I find these student organizations politically or morally offensive.

After all, student fees are kind of like taxes, right?

As in, we all pay in, and we don’t really control where our money goes?

And in examples such as the Brooklyn Museum, we shouldn’t be forced to pay taxes to fund things we find politically or morally offensive, right?

I think the student fees allocation system should be carried into local, state and federal taxes as well. I find our nation’s exorbitant military spending morally offensive when I see public schools that cannot afford to fix leaking roofs and hire enough teachers to ensure a decent education.

Let the military throw a bake sale to raise money to build the next great weapon of destruction.

I thereby demand that 0 percent of my taxes be put toward military spending, and 100 percent be put toward education and funding of the arts.

If only it were that easy, right?

Curt Lund


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