Tattoos evil
October 18, 1999
Bravo Mr. Poli! I whole-heartedly agree with you. It’s laughable that someone as ignorant as Mr. Wong would have the audacity to think the Bible could be insufficient for defending hatred/ignorance towards people different than you, in this case homosexuals. That’s what it’s there for!
Not only does the good book award priesthood to the murderer of interracial couples in Numbers 25 as Elton Wong’s article points out, but it is also legitimizes homophobia, as your response points out when it refers to Leviticus 18:22. Each view is equally correct. Why?
The Bible says so, that’s why, and we shouldn’t question the Bible.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you must believe the previous statements. It’s what you live by, right?
Another evil all true Christians must show an active hatred/ignorance towards: Tattoos.
In Leviticus 19:28, God says to Moses, “ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.”
Clearly, God is talking about tattoos here.
A man should not get a tattoo, and if he has one he can’t be considered a true Christian (read: Not going to heaven).
I’m not trying to impose my beliefs by any means at all on anyone who reads this, but if you consider yourself a Christian and have a tattoo, well, you have serious moral flaws.
Either stop being a Christian or get that damn tattoo removed.
And if you know a friend who has one, maybe it’s time to hang out with a more wholesome crowd, eh?
Don’t make me quote Acts 3:19.
Sam Wong
Electrical engineering