Virgin offended by sexually explicit ads

Ruth Spangler

I was very disappointed this morning as I read through the Daily and saw several advertisements that shocked me.

The two advertisements I am referring to were for Home Team Pizza and, an on1ine textbook service.

The pizza advertisement showed a couple, naked in bed, beneath the question: “Need a few extra inches?”

Then it suggested that if so, the reader should try their Huger Huge Pizza.

The book advertisement showed a paper on a school desk that read, “The Internet is good for more than sex. It’s also a place to buy books on literature, art, and poetry. All of which will help you get sex.”

The way these advertisers are using sex to drum up business is pretty low, especially at the beginning of the school year when thousands of impressionable freshmen are adjusting to college life.

These ads suggest that sex is great and everyone is doing it.

This is not true.

I am a virgin and I plan to be until l am married.

I know plenty of other people who are not sexually active, and I want other students, especially freshmen, to know that everyone at Iowa State does not practice promiscuous behavior.

Also, I want businesses that try these pitiful tactics to know that this type of advertising will not help them get my business.

Ads such as these make me think that the products being promoted are inferior if their sellers must resort to lust in order to succeed.

Ruth Spangler

