Relay for Life needs teams to help fight battle against cancer

Marjie Muehlig

The Ames community now can run, walk and skip their way to helping the battle against cancer. On Feb. 22, Relay for Life will take place at the Lied Recreational Center.

Joe Colletti, Relay for Life co-chairman, said the event, sponsored by the American Cancer Society, raised more than $40,000 last year.

Colletti, also an ISU forestry professor, said event coordinators hope to raise at least a similar amount this year.

A majority of the money raised will help the local chapter of the ACS.

The Relay for Life starts at 6 a.m. and lasts until 2 p.m., and Colletti said the event is a “real spirited, upbeat, fun, community event.” He said many teams will “get into the event” by wearing identical T-shirts, crazy costumes and hats. Four teams that show the most spirit will win a pizza party.

“Two of the most spirited teams in the Relay for Life last year were from Farm House fraternity,” which participated because one of its members was going through chemotherapy, Colletti said.

Amy Miller, junior in journalism and mass communication, said walking laps for eight hours last year was her way of giving back to the American Cancer Society.

As a freshman, Miller’s mother was diagnosed with cancer, and she received support by attending meetings sponsored by the American Cancer Society, she said.

“Walking in the Relay for Life is kind of my way of saying thanks,” Miller said.

Miller also said many of the people who participate in the event share a “common bond.”

“We all know what it is like to see a loved one go through chemotherapy,” Miller said.

Colletti also said he is involved with the event primarily because some of his relatives and friends are fighting or have died because they had cancer.

Miller, who is planning on participating again this year, hopes to walk or run in the Relay for Life as long as she can.

“It is something that I’d like to do for the rest of my life, because it is really important to me,” Miller said.

To create a team to participate in the Relay for Life, call 1-800-227-2345 or 292-9182 and ask for a team registration packet.