‘White out’
January 12, 1998
To Mr. Yeboah, your line of reasoning still can’t hold water. The use of black in adjective does appear in many phrases describing bad times, places and things. However, I still fail to see how and why that ties in with the black community. I repeat, the use of black in this manner is derived from the night, not a race. When I use these phrases, I am not referring to Blacks. This can not be categorized as ignorant racism or otherwise because I am KNOWINGLY not referring to Blacks — just the night.
However, if you still insist on an apology — a sincere and genuine one — then I demand you apologize for every instance you have used the phrase “White out” in reference to either a snow storm or the desktop chemical. After all, according to your mentality, that phrase would mean that whites are destructive.
Theresa Benish
Zoology and general preveterinary medicine