Adding stigma
December 11, 1997
I just wanted to take a moment to thank the Daily for adding to the already large and unnecessary stigma attached to gay men and to homosexuality as a whole. In its article [Wednesday] about eating disorders, the Daily felt it necessary to report that 20 percent of the one million plus men who suffer from eating disorders are homosexual. Now, I’m not a stat major, but last time I checked, 20 percent of anything is still a minority and therefore not terribly noteworthy.
When we consider that, according to the article, 85 to 90 percent of eating disorder sufferers are women, the statistic about gay men becomes even less significant. Not only does it fail to establish a pattern that should be exposed for the greater good, but it just makes the Daily look stupid and gives people who are already homophobic and bad at math further reason to stereotype gay men and, by association, gays in general. The gay community has enough battles to fight, they don’t need this added to their list.
I’m getting the feeling that the writers and editors at the Daily feel that the word “homosexual” written in big print has the same effect as letting a fart fly when you’re having tea at the Knoll. It’s kind of funny, and even though it makes people uncomfortable, you are remembered for it. If you guys need attention that badly, try printing an issue with no typos, or better yet, try some coverage of anything from an objective standpoint. I’m sure that will be noteworthy.
In closing, I would just like to make sure the readers of the Daily are aware that five percent of all neutered cats suffer from Phantom Limb/Appendage Syndrome — just a little stat for you.
Lauren G. Muser