Does Michael Jordan smell that good?

Christopher Clair

It’s nice to smell good.

With that in mind, many people will wear some sort of fragrance to lessen the offensiveness that their bodies will inevitably give off to the rest of the world.

There are many different scents to choose from, many of which will entice purchase just by the name or the logo on the box.

But a new cologne that is being unleashed on the buying population is one that makes me shrug a bit.

I’m talking about the one with the silhouette of Michael Jordan’s big head behind it.

Coming soon to a store near you. In November, to be a little more exact.

I can understand how the word “obsession” might make a person want to run out and splash this liquid on your body, but how does an image of a basketball player incite a person to buy?

I mean, what is it going to smell like?

When I think of Michael Jordan and identify smells with him, I can only think of a few of the other things that he endorses.

It could smell like a pair of sweaty Nike Air Jordans, which he wears upon his feet while trashing opponents on the hardcourt.

Maybe the scent will bring to mind corroded batteries.

He likes to pose with these on the television.

Better yet, it could smell like a Big Mac. Imagine walking around smelling like two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.Or the deep fat fryer that they use for almost every other food item at that establishment.

And if your mind wanders close to the gutter (or resides in it), you might imagine catching a whiff of a pair of Hanes. Whether they are laundered is left up to your imagination.

What it all really boils down to is the smell of green. Money. Moolah.


I used to have some respect for Jordan. In the past, he seemed happy with his huge endorsement check, so he didn’t grovel about his salary that the Chicago Bulls paid him. In comparison to other players, he was severely underpaid.

For a guy that led the universe in scoring and soon became the leader of a championship game, he wasn’t getting half of what he deserved.

But he was making more than enough money overall. Until last summer, that is.

Jordan’s huge demands ranked up there with other egomaniacs like Shaquille O’Neal.

And now he wants to sell the way he smells? I’m not sure what the official name of the fragrance is, but my roommate came up with a perfect one: Air-ogance.

Please don’t buy into this. I thought it was ridiculous when a bunch of my friends rented Jordan’s line of tuxedos for our senior prom.

No, it wasn’t a Chicago jersey with the number 23 or matching shorts, but it was nothing special.

But just because a guy that can slam dunk a basketball puts his name on it, it was the most styling suit in the book.

Please don’t add any more dollars to this guy’s overstuffed wallet. If you could fit any more money in there, it might reach the size of his head.

Christopher Clair is a senior from Waukon, Iowa. He is the sports editor of the Daily.