Quirmbach faces first hot issue

Christopher Clair

Iowa State economics professor Herman Quirmbach faced the hot issue of neighborhood and park development in his first Ames City Council meeting Tuesday night.

Quirmbach was sworn in Tuesday, after winning the 4th Ward seat in last week’s election. He replaced long-time council member Pat Brown, who was elected to the Mary Greeley Medical Center’s Board of Supervisors.

The council approved a resolution revising the Conceptual Development Plan for the Bloomington Heights subdivision.

Rich Harter, 3913 Bloomington Circle, expressed concern about the need for a park area in this development. “This area is a wonderful place to live, but there is no park area for this development,” Harter said. “I am concerned about this, as it continues to expand and grow, park area becomes even more important.”

Nancy Carroll, director of Ames Parks and Recreation, said she wants to delay suggesting an overall park master plan, though the locations of new parks are important issues. “That might be several months out, but this is a major issue we need to get resolved.”

The council decided to examine the issue at a future meeting.

In other business, the council:

*Passed a motion to prepare an ordinance changing street names of the Riverside-Oak area, bounded by Lincoln Way, 6th Street, Squaw Creek, and Grand Avenue, to include the word “North.”

*Made the proclamation for American Education Week, Nov. 12-18.

*Made the second passage of an amended ordinance designating smoke-free city buildings and vehicles, which would be effective May 1, 1996.