GSB Agenda
October 17, 1995
The Government of the Student Body will meet today at 7 p.m. in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union. The following items will be discussed:
*A bill proposing that Nate Baldwin, Scott Milburn, Ginger Cowger, Gregory Hewitt, Konni Cawiezell and Kurt Moffitt be seated as members of the 1995-96 Senate Judiciary Committee. By Tannehill, Obrecht and others.
*A bill proposing that $1,000 be allocated from the Senate Discretionary Account for the ISU Honors Student Conference in Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 2-6. By Cowger, Vinson and others.
*A bill proposing that $761.75 be allocated from the Senate Discretionary Fund to help the Turkish Student Association fund Turkish Night 1995. By Badr, Herrarte and others.
*A bill proposing that $2,800 be allocated from the Special Projects Fund to purchase new computer equipment for the GSB computer lab. By Avloes, Hardersen and others.
*A resolution stating that GSB favors relocating the Browsing Library and the Chapel with the understanding that these rooms will be included in the final renovation plan. By Cowger, Sayer and others.
*A bill proposing that $2,500 be allocated from the Senate Discretionary Fund to the university studies holocaust class for a trip to the National Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C., Nov. 19-23. By Allen and Howard.