A Dose of Pride: Madison Mason

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A Dose of Pride: The Iowa State Daily’s Pride Month series throughout June.

Madison Mason

I spent these past few weeks talking about issues within the queer community, about Pride as a movement, told my own story behind my identity, discussed queer liberation and shoved resources and statistics down people’s throats. However, the question still remains: how do queer folx show their Pride?


The answer? Folx show their Pride by simply existing, by just being themselves. You don’t need to own a rainbow flag, own a Pride T-shirt, have pronoun pins, go to Pride fests, etc. to show your Pride. The queer liberation and Pride movement are anchored and revolve around the queer persons in the community. 


People in the closet, people out of the closet, trans folx, queer folx, non-binary folx, grassroots activists, normal and everyday queer folx, etc. are all examples of people who show their Pride. So speaking openly to all people who identify within the LGBTQIA+ community, just be who you are because you are real and you are valid. 


Pride is also a year-round thing, not just during the month of June. While we put a hyperfocus on queer liberation, resources and celebration during the month of June, those who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community show their Pride everyday of the year by just being themselves. 


So, as this month comes to an end, I want to spotlight campaigns, organizations and resources that push for visibility, Pride and queer liberation year round that LGBTQIA+ people and straight/cisgender people can utilize and should support for all that they do for the queer community. 


There are nationwide organizations such as GLAAD, The Trevor Project, The Human Rights Campaign, GLSEN and the Black Trans Advocacy Coalition


There are also organizations a little closer to home in Iowa, such as One Iowa, Iowa Safe Schools, Des Moines Pride Center, Capital City Pride and Ames Pride


People can also find resources at Iowa State’s campus at The Center for LGBTQIA+ Student Success, The Margaret Sloss Center for Women and Gender Equity and The Office of Diversity and Inclusion


There are also many amazing student organizations at Iowa State who are doing amazing things for the LGBTQIA+ community in the Iowa State and Ames community that students and community members can stay connected and up to date with — one of which I’m the executive leader of! So take the time to check out these organizations and support queer students at Iowa State.


The Iowa State Daily has done some things to support and uplift queer folx at Iowa State, including the Coming Out Series I created. 


I cannot stress this enough: please support these campaigns, organizations and resources. Sign their petitions, donate to them, go to their events, spread their information, etc. They are doing amazing work to provide safe and brave spaces for the LGBTQIA+ community.


That’s another Pride Month in the books, where LGBTQIA+ people and allies alike celebrated queer liberation. 


Like I said in my first prompt, Pride to me means education, resources and pushing forward. So take the information you’ve gained this month in order to fight and support queer persons that you know 365 days a year. Queer liberation is an ongoing fight that I will never stop fighting for. 


Happy Pride Month, folx. Tell a queer person you love them today, and keep up the battle for the equality and equity of the LGBTQIA+ community. And don’t forget: love wins.