Ballroom Dance Club featured at Monday Monologues

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Monday Monologues is held on Mondays at 12:15 in front of Parks Library.

The third Monday Monologues performance of the semester will take place at 12:15 p.m. Monday on the steps of Parks Library and will feature a demo by the Ballroom Dance Club.

Monday Monologues is a series spotlighting Iowa State voices, featuring performances by a variety of clubs, students and faculty members from across campus.

This week, the Ballroom Dance Club will be the main attraction in front of Parks Library.

The Ballroom Dance Club is a student organization that provides students with the opportunity to learn and practice the art of ballroom dancing. The club meets twice a week to practice and to learn proper techniques from professionals.

Throughout the semester, the club competes in one to two ballroom dance competitions. At Monday’s event, they will showcase several dances from recent competitions.

“It’s great that we were given this opportunity to perform and show off our skills,” said Henrik Penney, a senior in mechanical engineering and president of the Ballroom Dance Club. “I think this will be a great chance to show off the beauty of ballroom dance and have more people become involved with it on Iowa State’s campus.”

Susan Gent, community engagement specialist for the university and Ames Public Library, sees this as a great opportunity to support other students in a library environment.

“Libraries are very bright, innovative spaces,” Gent said. “They’re not places you have to be quiet all the time like in the old days. This is a great way to create fun opportunities at the library and to connect with others.”

The event takes place outside the library as lunch time entertainment for passers-by and anyone wanting to stop and enjoy the art of fellow students and faculty.

“The nice thing about Monday Monologues is that you can come as you can,” Gent said. “You don’t have to stay for the whole thing. It’s free and it’s during lunch, so you can easily grab your lunch and a friend and sit on the grass and enjoy the show.”