Iowa State students speak on how they are feeling about all things midterms, the spring semester and the spring weather.
Aubrey Vidmar, a sophomore in marketing, said she is feeling better than last semester.
“My classes this semester are a lot easier and less of a workload,” Vidmar said, adding that spring weather makes the semester better.
“I got sad in the wintertime but better now,” Vidmar said.
Similarly, Anne McAndrews, a sophomore in creative and technical fashion design, said the weather makes the spring semester better.
“I’m looking forward to summer,” McAndrews said. “I feel like we get so excited for summer that just we’re not even thinking about school.”
Anika Smith, a junior in marketing and management information systems, said she is also looking forward to the good weather coming up along with Greek Week this semester.
“Like the summer is coming up, that’s really exciting,” Smith said. “Greek Week is super exciting as someone a part of the Greek community.”
McAndrews said she is feeling a little better than last semester because she picked easier classes on purpose.
“I have a lot of projects,” McAndrews said.
Smith said she is feeling quite tired after spring break.
“I have an exam this week, just coming straight out of spring break, yeah, feeling a little unmotivated after experiencing some really warm weather in Florida,” Smith said.
Smith said this semester isn’t more nerve-wracking than last semester.
“We’ve already done finals this year, I kind of know what I’m getting into again,” Smith said.
Smith said most of her midterms were before spring break, “so that was awesome.”
“It was kind of nerve-wracking to come into the week with an exam after spring break literally one day after,” Smith said.