Letter: Vote yes for Ames high school

Interested candidates for summer jobs should contact Amber Mohmand at amber.mohmand@iowastatedaily.com for more details. Those interested in applying to work during the fall/spring term should contact Katherine Kealey at katherine.kealey@iowastatedaily.com. 

Interested candidates for summer jobs should contact Amber Mohmand at [email protected] for more details. Those interested in applying to work during the fall/spring term should contact Katherine Kealey at [email protected]

We, as fathers with children ranging in age from six to 27,

enthusiastically support the Ames school bond referendum on April 3.

All of our children are currently enrolled in or are alums of Ames

Community School District. A new high school will not be attended by

many of our children; yet, we see in the school board’s vision for a

new building a continuation of the legacy of educational excellence,

community engagement and community pride.

We have witnessed our children grow in confidence, respect for others, educational achievement and preparation for college and careers by having a variety of active learning experiences in school, academic clubs, community service organizations, scouts, church groups and sports.

A new building will offer students space to collaborate, communicate with each other and problem solve through flexible learning spaces, sustainability

projects, the latest technology and plenty of natural light, elements

which are already included in our elementary and middle schools.

A vote YES on April 3 will expand opportunities for active learning experiences in our high school.

The fathers contributing to this letter collectively have children in

all public elementary schools and St. Cecilia School. We are engaged

in various academic clubs, civic organizations, sport clubs and churches;

we work at small and large business within Ames and outside of Ames; and, we are registered to vote with different political party affiliation. The fathers contributing to this letter are Chris Anderson, Jon Banwart, Roger Bentley, Chris Brakke, Jeremy Fields, Darrin Fischer, Jeremy Galvin, Randy Griffith, Jeff Kopaska, Kirk Juhnke, Doug Lenhart, Chris Schmale, Ryan Smalley and Brent Swanson.