Editorial: Stay informed



Editorial Board

Social media, whether you like it or not, has revolutionized how we communicate with one another. There is so much information and content at our fingertips that it can be difficult to sort all of it out. You can get your news and entertainment from almost any social media platform, whether that is Snapchat, Twitter or Facebook. It is all there

But we see social media platforms trying to decide for us what we should see. The most recent form of this is the terrible Snapchat update. Almost unanimously, everyone hates the new update to the popular messaging app. It is clunky, confusing and directs you to stories you didn’t ask to see.

And that’s the bigger issue the Editorial Board wants to direct your attention to. Social media apps will often promote fluff pieces over actual news sources. Everyone knows the Daily Mail will always come up on Snapchat before the Wall Street Journal. It is easier to get clicks on bikini pictures versus bombings in Syria.

Important news is considered boring and stuffy, while celebrity photos and gossip is put at the top of the page so you don’t miss it. Being informed about the important issues is worth more than knowing which Kardashian is pregnant. We seem to be valuing the wrong things when it comes to how we prioritize our news.

Not every person wants MTV at the top of their feed, and that should be reflected in the attention each source is given. Yes, entertainment is fun and has it place, but prioritizing entertainment over news is how we lose touch with important events going on around us. It is how people become out of touch with our fellow Americans and people all over the world.

People need to be more careful when flipping through Twitter and Snapchat to not get caught in the trap that is fluffy entertainment news while missing important stories that might affect our lives. Entertainment can be enjoyable, but it can also be distracting. Make sure you look at the important news as often as you can. The media’s job is to make sure the populous is informed about the world around them.

The populous just has to decide to click on the news.