ISCORE Pre-Conference and Registration Deadline on Feb. 28

Max Goldberg/Iowa State Daily

Dr. Kurt Earnest, Residence Life Coordinator, talks about students of color and their lives living on campus during an ISCORE lecture March 3 in the Memorial Union.

Ashtyn Perrin

Feb. 28 is the last day to register for the Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity (ISCORE) as well as the pre-conference for ISCORE, which is open exclusively to faculty and staff.


Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018

11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Memorial Union


11:00 – 11:30 a.m. Registration and Lunch

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Welcome and Opening Session

1:10 – 2:00 p.m. Educational Session 1

2:10 – 3:00 p.m. Educational Session 2

3:10 – 4:00 p.m. Keynote with Rosie Perez

Check-in and lunch will be in the Great Hall.

Prior to Friday’s Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity (ISCORE), a pre-conference for faculty, professional and merit staff will be held. The pre-conference will be Wednesday, Feb. 28 from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Memorial Union.

Registration and lunch will begin at 11 a.m. with the welcome and opening session to follow.

Starting at 1:10 p.m., attendees have the option to attend one of four concurrent educational sessions.

1:10 Sessions

Supporting Undocumented Students (Campanile Room)

Ruxandra Looft, Ph.D., Adviser and Lecturer, World Languages and Cultures, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Elizabeth Martinez-Podolsky, Multicultural Liaison Officer, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Liz Mendez-Shannon, Ph.D., Project Director for Hispanic/Latinx Affairs, Office of the Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion

Beyond the Battle Lines: Channeling Curiosity, Humility, and Platinum During Racial Strife

(Sun Room)

Tiye Sherrod, M.S.E., Student Conduct and Compliance Officer, Waubonsee Community College in Illinois

Helping Student Employees Understand Their Role in Creating a Welcoming Space (Cardinal Room)

Mindy Heggen, Program Coordinator, Office of the Registrar

“This is not our heritage.” Diversity, Classroom Engagement, Success, and the Fate of ‘Somebody Else’s Babies’ (South Ballroom)

Sebastian Braun, Director, American Indian Studies

2:10 Sessions

A Move Toward Developmental Mentoring: Inspiring Underrepresented Student Researchers to Master the 3C’s of Professional Presence (Campanile Room)

Lynn Lundy Evans, Doctoral Student, Ronald E. McNair Program

Ashley Garrin, Assistant Director, Ronald E. McNair Program

Thelma Harding, Director, Ronald E. McNair Program

Finding Your STEM Familia: Lessons from SACNAS (Sun Room)

Daniela Flores, Graduate Student, Genetics, SACNAS Chapter President

Andrea Fondern, Junior, Biology

David Ortiz, Graduate Student, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Kevin Quinteros, Graduate Student, Genetics and Genomics

Enriching the Academic and Research Library Profession through Diversity and Inclusion: The University Library’s Residency Program (Cardinal Room)

Beth McNeil, Ph.D., Dean, University Library

Shaina V. Destine, MLIS, Resident Librarian/Archivist, Special Collections & University Archives, University Library

Valuing Identity: My Experiences + Your Perception (South Ballroom)

Marcia Purdy, Instructor, School of Education

Keynote Speaker Rosemary J. Perez, Assistant Professor in the School of Education, will speak at 3:10 in the Sun Room.