A semester to remember for CALS

Annelise Wells

Fall 2017 was a monumental semester for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. From the major donations to President Wintersteen being elected, here is a recap of all the major events from this past semester.  


The semester started off with the announcement of a $14 million donation for a new grain and feed mill facility. It was declared that the Kent Corporation will be the donating $8 million, Iowa Corn Promotion Board $4 Million and Sukup Manufacturing $2 million. The facility will allow students to have hands on experiences in grain processing and feed technology. 

Additionally, the Horticulture Research Station celebrated it’s 50 year anniversary on September 16th. The station is home to over 70 research projects and grows a multitude of the different fruits and vegetables you find at ISU dining. 


In October, CALS’ current endowed Dean Wendy Wintersteen was elected as Iowa State’s 16th president. Wintersteen is the first female president the university has had. Additionally, the Board of Regent’s vote was unaniomous.

October also brought the height of harvest season. Many students went home on the weekends to help out on their family farms to harvest corn, soybeans, and other crops. 


With Wintersteen elected, a search began for the next CALS dean. In November it was announced that Senior Associate Dean Joe Colleti was to serve as the Interim Dean. Colleti is also the associate Director of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station.


To round out the year, The U.S Department of Agriculture National Excellence in College and University Teaching Award for Food and Agricultural Sciences was awarded to Associate Provost for Academic Programs Ann Marie VanDerZanden. In addition to that position, she is a Louis Thompson Distinguished Undergraduate teacher and a professor of horticulture.


Twitter: The Fall 2017 semester brought donations, awards, and more to @iastate_cals

Facebook: The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences had a historic Fall 2017 semester.