Letter: Who is Akol Dok?

Akol Dok, Alumni

Akol Dok is a recent graduate of Iowa State University. He will be contributing to the opinion page through letters. Here is some background information on Dok:

I came to the United States at the age of five. I was blessed to have been provided an opportunity to come here, obtain an education and have a second home in America. My home country is South Sudan.

I was born in Renk, South Sudan and have never forgotten where I come from. I take great pride in being South Sudanese and love who I am. My home nation is currently embroiled in a civil war that has created division amongst communities, destroyed towns, produced hyperinflation and hurt the morale of the nation.

I care about this war because it has destroyed my nation and my people. I personally have suffered because of this war, I have had many family members be displaced during this war. I want to write about my nation and promote peace and unity amongst fellow South Sudanese. I want to provide insight from a political science graduate perspective and analyze problems and produce solutions to them. 

Dok will mainly be discussing the South Sudan war through his letters.