Integrated studio arts to host annual bachelor of fine arts exhibition

Ashley Green/Iowa State Daily

Work from the “Fall 2015 Rome Show” on display in Gallery 181, College of Design. 48 students contributed to the show, including 19 graphic design, 24 interior design and five integrated studio arts students who participated in the fall 2015 College of Design Rome Program and the Venice Biennale 2015: 56th International Art Exhibition.

Sheikh Jallow

Integrated studio arts seniors will showcase their work in the annual Bachelor of Fine Arts exhibition. The event will take place from April 10 to 22 in the College of Design, 181 Gallery.

Dubbed as “Intentional,” the theme of the exhibition will highlight the diverse experiences of 33 students graduating with a bachelor of fine arts in integrated studio arts in 2017. It is organized by several subcommittees such as the Public Relations, Installation, Take-Down, Reception and Digital, which are primarily curated by students.

Carly Ludwig, senior in integrated studio arts participating in the exhibition, provided insight on “Intentional.”

“All the design we create at the studio, there has to have an intent to it, there has to have a purpose,” Ludwig said. “And that goes along with everything in our life from our studio to what we want to do after graduation.”

“It’s one thing that we’ve always been told to do, ‘live your life intentionally,’” Ellie Krabbe, senior who works with 2D and 3D animations, said.

Some of the things that people will see in the exhibition are diverse art projects while immersed in a relaxed space, Krabbe said. Artwork in the gallery exhibition will include ceramic works, paintings and digital media.

As an aspiring painter, Ludwig’s theme for all her work revolves around ancestry and heritage.

“Everything that goes into [my work] has to deal with memories and letters — objects we hold valuable,” Ludwig said. “There’s always like a sentimentality tied behind material objects. I am interested in why we do that.”

Krabbe will showcase a bio renewable project, a portrait video, a painting of her grandmother and a project she worked on during her trip to Rome.

A lot of hours are spent in the studio, so students are strongly encouraged to participate in local exhibits, Ludwig said. The numerous exhibitions on campus allow them to expose their works.

“This is an opportunity to put our work out there to the public and say we do exist down here at the basement,” Ludwig said.

Opening hours for the exhibition will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. The event is free to the public, and there will be a reception with food and drinks.