Editorial: Let’s keep talking about sexual assault

in this together

Editorial Board

Trigger warning: This content uses language that may trigger sexual assault survivors.

Sexual assault is complex.

It’s complex in how it affects victims. It’s complex in how or if it is reported. It’s complex in how it is prosecuted. It’s complex in how the average person understands what actually constitutes it. It’s complex in how pop culture treats it like it’s a regular and perfectly acceptable phenomenon. It’s complex because we seem to live in a culture that wants to blame victims for what happened to them.

Because it is such a complex issue, you might not realize how prevalent it is in our community; you might not know what we can do to prevent it; or you might not even know what it is you are trying to prevent. But the good thing is that ignorance is conquerable through education, discussions and then action.

If this sounds familiar, it’s because this January, the ISD Editorial Board made a call to action to not let the complexity of sexual assault get in the way of trying to prevent it and raise awareness about it.

At the time of that call to action, the Daily kicked off a semester-long series called “In This Together” in our news coverage regarding the complexities surrounding sexual assault. We talked to survivors, law enforcement, survivors’ advocacy groups, those in the justice system and many more sources with a pulse on this issue.

But the facts and messages they shared with us are only part of the solution to educating our campus about this issue. Now it’s time for discussion — and Tuesday night we invite you to be a part of that discussion.

From 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. the Daily will host a panel serving to connect all of the “In This Together” pieces together and create a dialog to raise awareness for sexual assault. The first half hour will be open-house style where individuals can write a message of why they’re “in this together” to help prevent sexual assault and learn about the various campus organizations working on this issue. Following this, there will be an hour-long panel discussion.

It’s time for all to consider ways we are affected by this issue and take the steps needed to help prevent sexual assault because though it is a complex problem, it is something we must put a stop to.

With the upcoming implementation of the Green Dot program and continuous efforts to help raise awareness for sexual assault, we are making progress. But as important as progress and conversation are, it’s not enough to put an end to sexual assault. It’s time for action.