Summer bucket-list for incoming freshman

Jill O'Brien

The summer before college starts is equal parts busy and daunting. With dorm shopping and cramming in as much time with friends and family before move-in day, there are plenty of things to do that will make the last summer at home one to remember.

Here are a few summer-before-college staples that will surely be remembered after everyone goes their separate ways.

Take a drive on the outside of town

While hometowns can be stifling (and the very reason some may want to go away for college), there tends to be certain parts of town that remain unexplored by its inhabitants. That said, go to those unexplored places. Discovering a new part of the town one has spent their whole life in can be exciting, and it will make for a new place to come back to when it’s time to come home. 

Take road trips 

Start the day by putting a bunch of drivable places into a hat on slips of paper – anywhere from state parks to neighboring towns or beaches on the Great Lakes. The location you draw out is the place to road trip to for the day. Leave early so the entire day is dedicated to exploring with friends, and take plenty of pictures to commemorate the day’s adventures.

Finally finish those books

Since the dawn of annotating and writing essays for a grade, the act of reading for pleasure seems almost archaic for students. However, the summer before college is the time to dust off old favorites and read them again. If reading for pleasure is as enjoyable as one may remember, heading over to the bookstore and stocking up on new material for the new year might also be a good idea.

Hang out with the family  

It may seem like an obvious task, but moving away from family when transitioning to college is hard on both students and parents. Little things, like helping cook dinner or taking the dog out with your dad, will mean extra time to spend with them before the big move. Showing that little bit of extra interest means more to them than you may think.