Doughnut Run to return this weekend
Photo: Andrus Nesbitt/Iowa State Daily
A runner consumes his 12th doughnut during the 5k Doughnut Run on Saturday, April 14, 2012. The race raised money to help send the ISU Triathlon Team to compete at the Collegiate Nationals race in Tuscaloosa, Ala.
March 29, 2017
Running. Doughnuts. You may not think they go together, but for this annual 5k, they do.
The annual Doughnut Run 5k returns Saturday, April 8 at Brookside Park in Ames. The run starts at 10 a.m., with race-day registration at 8 a.m. Online registration will end Thursday at 9:30 p.m.
So where do the doughnuts come in? At each aid station during the race participants will be challenged to eat as many Krispy Kreme doughnuts as their heart desires. Each doughnut they eat takes additional time off of their finishing time.
There are lots of medals awarded at the race like Best Run Time, Most Eaten Doughnuts, Best Costume and Top Team Score.
This is an opportunity for runners and foodies to mingle get exercise and eat doughnuts.
John Leinberger, sophomore in mechanical engineering, is one of the co-race directors for the Doughnut Run 5k, along with with Reece Linder.
Leinberger’s main role is to coordinate planning to organize volunteers and advertising around campus and local Ames areas. He works closely with Linder to gather needed materials for the race, try to figure out logistics and buy the doughnuts.
“I applied to be a co-race director because I wanted to be more active in the Ames community and encourage others to do the same,” Leinberger said. “It will be fun to watch people try to cram doughnuts down their throats to shave precious seconds off their overall time.”
Both Linder and Leinberger are members of the TriClones, Iowa State’s Triathalon Club. The club volunteers for the 5k each year. Linder said the coordinator for the Doughnut Run also coordinates their Cyman and InCydeman triathalons and needed volunteers.
The group has volunteered at the race for the last three years, handing out doughnuts and assisting with registration.
Participants can sign up online at