Trump’s first week in office more eventful than in the past
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump acknowledges the crowd gathered as he leaves the stage on Sep. 13 in Clive, Iowa.
January 26, 2017
A week from his inauguration this past Friday, President Donald Trump has made America a significantly different place than it previously was, instituting new executive orders, backing current legislation and cutting other organized plans of action from his political agenda.
The following are the nine main actions he has taken during his time in office:
Mexico City Policy
The Mexico City Policy, which was originally put in place by President Ronald Reagan in 1984, has been rescinded and put back in place multiple times since, depending on the party in charge.
The policy cuts funding to foreign, non-governmental organizations that provide abortion services. None of the funding goes to abortion services due to the Helms Amendment.
Monday, Trump once again put the policy in place, only two days after the Women’s March. While supporters of the policy rallied around his executive order, others felt it was an attack on women’s rights.
“I disagree with [reinstating] it. We’ve seen in the past how not allowing women to get abortions, we’ve seen the effects,” Zachary Rodgers, president of ISU College Democrats, said. “If we refer back to those past destructive policies, bad things will continue to happen. It harms us and the women in those countries.”
Federal government hiring freeze
Keeping his multiple promises to shrink the size of the federal government, Trump announced a federal hiring freeze Monday. This is in accordance with his party’s typical view that a smaller government is a better government.
This executive order has halted all hiring for new and existing government jobs, excluding only the military, national security and public safety. It will last for 90 total days, after which the Office of Management and Budget will propose a long-term plan to reduce federal employment by attrition.
“My initial reaction is the federal hiring freeze will help reduce the size of the government,” Michael Tupper, a registered Republican with a Libertarian ideology, said. “Going about it with an executive order is something I disagree with.”
Withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
In his first executive order on Monday, Trump declared the United States’ withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP was designed to bolster economic ties between 12 nations that border the Pacific Ocean but was not ratified by Congress.
While former President Barack Obama supported the TPP as a way to increase America’s standing in the Asia-Pacific region, Trump referred to it as a “horrible deal” during his campaign, sealing its fate before he was even elected. He argued American workers and manufacturing would suffer under the TPP.
Mexican-American border wall
Trump took steps toward building a wall along the Mexican-American border — a 1,900-mile long stretch. He signed an order to start construction on the wall Wednesday.
Funding for the wall remains unclear as Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, came out again saying that Mexico would not be funding the wall and later canceled his meeting with Trump.
Trump continues to seek a 20 percent tax on Mexican imports in an effort to fund the building of the wall, according to NBC news.
“I’m against building the wall and I don’t think that it’s something that we should be funding,” Rodgers said. “Even in his inaugural address, he talked about being here for everyone, yet here he is literally dividing the country.”
Federal grant money stripped from sanctuary cities
Cities that shelter illegal immigrants, known as sanctuary cities, saw federal funding cuts this week from the Trump administration.
Some of these cities include San Francisco, New York City and Boston. Several mayors of these cities have spoken out.
San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee said he believes their city is among hundreds that define themselves as sanctuary cities.
Revival of Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines
Trump brought back rejected plans by Obama by issuing a presidential permit required to begin work on the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines.
These pipelines met controversy with a possible environmental risk with the construction of Keystone XL and plans to build the Dakota pipeline over native lands.
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has asked all of about 500 to 700 protesters to pack up and go home and have plans to go to court to bid on blocking the project, according to The Wall Street Journal.
“[That was an] excellent decision. All the permitting had been done through legal proceedings,” Tupper said. “That pipeline never should have been shut down in the first place.”
Media blackout of the EPA
Trump’s administration has put information regarding climate change on “temporary hold,” according to the Associated Press.
Also according to the AP, content that was previously published online outlining the warming of Earth’s atmosphere is being reviewed by members of Trump’s transition team. Until the review is completed, the documents have been suspended from the Environmental Protection Agency’s website.
Though the review is expected to be finished Friday, Trump is under scrutiny by previous Republican and Democratic staffers for exceeding the restrictions set by other administrations.
Reversed cut on mortgage insurance for first-time home buyers
A Federal Housing Administration mortgage insurance premium rate, which was proposed early last week, would allow first-time home buyers to work with a 0.60 percent interest rate rather than the current 0.85 percent rates.
Less than an hour after his inauguration, Trump signed an order that indefinitely suspends the reduction, according to The Washington Post.
Citizens looking to buy a home for the first time will either have to pay rates 0.25 percent higher than previously expected, or will not be able to purchase at all. These changes have not gone over well with many prospective home buyers.
Regulatory ‘burdens’ of the Affordable Care Act
One of Trump’s number one promises of his candidacy — the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — was initiated last Friday just hours after the presidential inauguration.
According to NPR, he signed an executive order that was designed to “ease the burdens” of the act until more permanent actions can be taken by Congress.
Though the exact visions of the order are uncertain, it prevents government agencies from utilizing specific aspects of Obamacare.
“As much as I don’t like the Affordable Care Act, […] that was probably an executive action that should not have been taken,” Tupper said. “That should have been done by Congress, not the President’s Office.”
The banning of immigrants, refugees
A copy of an executive order, supposed to be signed by President Trump this Thursday, was leaked to The Washington Post by civil rights groups.
The order stops the immigration of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Sudan and Libya for 30 days after activation; however, the ban will be in effect on Syrian refugees for the foreseeable future.
This order will also ban the “admission and resettlement of refugees for 120 days pending the review of vetting procedures,” according to the same story by the Post.
“There’s a bad egg in every group and you can’t always stop that,” Rodgers said, “but telling everyone that’s seeking this help because of one bad egg doesn’t help our standing with those people anyway.”