Sorority aims to be inclusive on campus

The rainbow flag was flown in honor of the LGBT movement as the Defense of Marriage Act was overturned June 26, 2013, after the Supreme Court declared that it was unconstitutional.

Ellen Bombela

Truth in tolerance, knowledge through diversity, bonds through diversity, strength in trust. This is the motto of Gamma Rho Lambda Omicron, a chapter that has been on campus for only about two years.

“What we really pride ourselves in is being inclusive,” said Hayden Moffitt, senior in architecture and president of Gamma Rho Lambda Omicron. “I think the whole reason that GRLO was started is because traditionally, greek organizations aren’t always seen as very inclusive of LGBT people, and so they founded the organization on being inclusive of LGBT people.”

Most members of GRLO identify somewhere in the LGBTQ community, but that is not a requirement. However, the only people they can’t accept are cisgender men.

Like many other greek organizations, GRLO has “rush.” The chapter goes through a recruitment process during a two-week period at the beginning of the semester. Parts of the recruitment process include informational sessions and socials, where possible recruitments can meet others from the chapter.

The first bids are sent out after the initial recruitment. If recruitments accept the bid, they are then required to go through six weeks of educational training.

 “These are to make sure that their ideas line up with those of the chapter, and also to make sure that their personalities mesh well with others,” Moffitt said.

Once the six weeks of educational training end, second bids are sent out, and the recruitments can accept the bids and become a part of the chapter.

GRLO does many different activities as a chapter, including philanthropies, basic socials and educational events. GRLO also creates a support system for its members.

“I really like the community that it put me in touch with,” Moffitt said. “When I first started, I hadn’t started transitioning yet, so it was nice to meet other guys who had started transitioning around the country, and it was a really cool resource for me.”

Marie McCarthy, a member of GRLO and junior in journalism and communication, agrees that the chapter creates a very inviting environment.

“When I first came out to my parents, I felt like they could have been a bit more supportive, and I felt like I needed a bit of a better support system here in Ames,” McCarthy said. “Gamma Rho Lambda, being inclusive to people, really felt like it would be the best place to get that.”