Car accident on northwest side of campus
Aftermath of car accident on the Northwest side of campus this morning.
February 9, 2016
Nobody was hurt when one car ended up on top of two other vehicles on the northwest side of campus in a parking lot near the Armory.
ISU Police tweeted out photos of the three-car pile up in lot 22.
Careless driving affects more than just you and your car. Fortunately nobody was hurt this morning.
— IowaStateU Police (@ISUPD) February 9, 2016
Aaron Delashmutt, interim assistant vice president and chief of ISU police, said that the driver had gotten confused about the gas and brake pedal, and that’s how the collision occurred.
The accident had been called in at 10:08 a.m. after an officer had been patrolling the area and saw the vehicle sitting on top of the other two vehicles, Delashmutt said.
Two tow trucks were called to remove the vehicle from the other two cars.
No one had called in the accident by the time the police arrived, but there were people standing around the collision and taking photos of it.
Delashmutt also highly recommended that if you see something, to say something. He said that in the incident that someone had been hurt, that it’s crucial to call them immediately.
“[We’d] rather get 20 calls about same incident than none,” Delashmutt said.
Delashmutt encouraged that both pedestrians and drivers to be aware of their surroundings, and that the pedestrian cannot always rely on the driver seeing them.
He said that this served as a good example for driver safety, especially in the winter, although the accident was not weather related.
Even though there were no injuries, ISU Police have been and are heavily encouraging driver safety as the roads get slicker and the winter weather continues.