IRHA aims for a Fall Fest of community

Suhaib Tawil/Iowa State Daily

Katie Wilson, freshman in chemical engineering, makes banners for Fall Fest on Wednesday, Nov. 13, at Friley.

Kelsey Palmros

Living on campus can be daunting, but Fall Fest attempts to make students in residence halls feel like part of a community.

Inter-Residence Hall Association members have been preparing for this year’s upcoming Fall Fest, which is taking place this week.

Fall Fest will feature an event each day on campus that is designed for students living in the residence halls. Food, games and prizes will be offered.

“[Fall Fest] is intended to give back to the community,” said Lindsay Koehler, sophomore in public relations and IRHA public relations director.

Event schedule


A Halloween-themed dive-in movie night will take place at the State Gym pool Monday.


A game of blaster ball will take place Tuesday in State Gym East.


Wednesday will feature a mental game show, where students can earn cash prizes.


Caramel apples will be available near the Union Drive Community Center on Thursday.


A highlighter dance in Linden Hall will conclude this year’s Fall Fest activities.

“This year, we wanted to focus on bigger events and pricier events,” Koehler said.

With about a $13,000 budget, IRHA has the means to do just that and has the opportunity to organize a Fall Fest that can cater to all of the students living in residence halls.

IRHA and event director committees choose events based on what is most popular and what has worked well in the past.

The Fall Fest’s focus is directed toward residence hall students and focuses on the family aspect that can be incorporated in the residence halls.

“This is a big community, and [we want to] get everyone acquainted with each other [so] they don’t feel that this is an isolated thing, but that this is [their] Cyclone home,” Koehler said.

Fall Fest’s goal is to make students feel welcomed as a member of a community

More information about the prizes and festivities of Fall Fest can be found in residence halls and on the IRHA social media pages.